Max Vasin Biography
Dr. Maksym Vasin has specialized in human rights and international religious freedom since 2001. His academic publications related the topics of documenting war crimes against faith-based communities, protecting human rights and religious freedom through legislation, facilitating church-state cooperation, promoting peace-building through interfaith dialogue, etc.
From 2008 to 2024, he led various projects at the Institute for Religious Freedom (Ukraine) as Executive Director. He is a co-author of several dozen bills and amendments to laws aimed at protecting and developing religious freedom.
Specializing in legislation, multi-faith dialogue, and church-state cooperation, Dr. Maksym Vasin trained on human rights and religious freedom for organizations like the United Nations, OSCE, and Council of Europe.
In 2016, he was a moderator at the OSCE Conference on Combating Intolerance and Discrimination against Christians in Vienna, Austria.
In 2020, he joined the International Consortium for Law and Religion Studies as a full member. Also, he became a member of the Expert Council under the State Service of Ukraine for Ethnopolitics and Freedom of Conscience.
With a doctorate in law (2021) and participation in the Religion and the Rule of Law program at University of Oxford (United Kingdom), he does research projects related to the global promotion of religious freedom and multi-faith initiatives, including peace-building roles of religious organizations and the impact of conflicts on faith-based communities.
He was a speaker at the 2023 International Religious Freedom Summit in Washington, D.C.
In 2023, the Sterling Immigration Court, VA, recognized Dr. Maksym Vasin as an expert witness during an asylum hearing and accepted his written expert affidavit in full without oral testimony. As a result, the applicant won at the hearing and was granted asylum.
In 2024, as an author, Dr. Maksym Vasin published research about the Russian war crimes in Ukraine titled "The Impact of the Russian Invasion on Faith-Based Communities in Ukraine." Also, his chapter "New Religious Legislation in Ukraine as a Response to Russian Aggression" was published by Routledge in the book "Security, Religion, and the Rule of Law."
As a Senior Researcher at LYN Community (United States), he is now focused on developing a new approach to evaluating religious freedom in Central Asia to shift focus from negative indicators to positive metrics.
Dr. Maksym Vasin presented the results of his research activities at a wide scope of international conferences: the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, Poland, Austria, Israel, Norway, Slovakia, Belgium, and Armenia.